Please join us for our next Socratic Seminar!

The event will be held in English and is free. After the event we will head to dinner & drinks, all are welcome! We would like to thank Programize for hosting us.

Thursday, November 9th 2023 @ 7PM

As a reminder, the ground rules of BitDevs are as follows:

  1. No photos, videos, or recordings.
  2. Chatham House Rule, you may reiterate the contents of the meeting without attribution.

These rules are in place so that BitDevs participants can speak freely within the event.

How should I prepare? Read the material.

Agenda (WIP)

  1. News (in brief!)
  2. RGB presentation
  3. Taproot Assets presentation

Taproot assets

Taproot Assets (formerly Taro) is a new Taproot-powered protocol developed by Lightning Labs for issuing assets on the bitcoin blockchain that can be transferred over the Lightning Network.


RGB is a system of private & scalable client-validated smart contracts on Bitcoin & Lightning developed by LNP/BP Association


* Indicates item briefly mentioned in the seminar

Notice: This seminar’s news section is long as it covers period 14Jun - 09Nov 2023.



Network data

Europe / Greece



Pull requests

BIPs, BOLTs and Proposals